Thursday, March 01, 2007

Catch a Black Donnellys Encore

The Black Donnellys, NBC's new Irish crime show that everyone's talking about (and that just happens to feature a song called "Sleepy Maggie" by The Mad Maggies), is ready for a round of repeats.

The pilot shows again March 1 at 10 p.m. on NBC (that's tonight), March 6 at midnight on USA and March 11 at 4 p.m. on Bravo.

Says Maggie: "About 7 minutes into the show there’s a bar scene that turns into a brawl -- 'Sleepy Maggie' plays over the slow-motion portion of the fighting and continues the scene.... We're excited! Almost 10 million pairs of ears heard it on Monday night. Wow!"

So tune in this week (or you can just watch the clip below, at least until they yank it from YouTube).

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