Sunday, April 09, 2006

Beastie bunny devours veggies

From the Life Imitates Claymation Art Dept: A giant rabbit is wreaking havoc on vegetable gardens in the U.K. town of Felton, leading to panic and desperate measures as seen in Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit.

The locals think the destructive beast is "a cross between a rabbit and a hare and bigger than either," according to Northumberland Today.

"It is a massive thing. It is a monster," said allotment holder Jeff Smith. "The first time I saw it, I said, 'What the hell is that?'"

The angry gardeners have posted armed watchmen to protect their parsnips and leeks. (AFP has a picture of a rabbit breeder holding a monster rabbit to give you an idea what they're up against.)


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